Two months from today, this adorable couple will be walking down the aisle and saying I Do. You could not meet a happier, more in love duo than Gabe and Michelle. We are the bestest of friends with this gorgeous bride-to-be and are honored to be apart of her wedding day. Honestly, we couldn't think of a better person to kick off our real weddings series. Now, go grab a blanket because the love story of how Gabe and Michelle met is totally going to give you the chills.

We love your photos taken in Traverse City. You two look so in love. Please, please tell us about your love story.
I was living in Atlanta, cooking, having fun, and enjoying the southern sun. One day I got an overwhelming feeling in my stomach that I should see what else was out there, to drive west.I seriously couldn't get my mind off it, something was telling me I needed to go to Texas. I had never been to Texas before, I didn't know anyone or have a job or a place to live. My car that I owned in Atlanta was a junker and didn't even work, so I prayed about it....
On a pouring rainy day I packed my bags, put my cats in the backseat and headed West. I was open minded and just thought "I guess I'll just live wherever my car breaks down" as I didn't know if my car would make it! Low and behold, as soon as I crossed the Texas border, my air-conditioning shut off. It was 106 degrees that day, my cats started panting and I was sweating my butt off. I thought "Texas, you better be worth it!" My car started overheating when I was pulling off the expressway into Austin, and my car literally broke down in Austin.
I met Gabe at work, he was my manager, and I remember thinking he was really cute but not wanting to get myself in trouble at my new job! Just a week into working there anytime he was around I got butterflies in my stomach. At that point we hadn't even started dating I just felt an ENERGY between us that was undeniable.
On our first date, we ended up meeting at G & S lounge (which ironically is what we call each other, Gabe & Shelly) and Gabe had driven up from San Antonio to meet me. He was so excited to see me he was speeding the whole way and got a speeding ticket. When he got out of the car he had a huge smile on his face and said "I just got a speeding ticket but I'm okay because now your here." We had a couple drinks, laughed all night, and ended the night in the park, overlooking the city skyline, counting the stars, and playing fetch in the dark with his adorable doggie Lola (who stole my heart right away). We have been inseparable since.
My parents thought I was crazy when I told them I was moving based on a "gut feeling' (I'm SUCH a hippie!). My mom worried a Texas boy would keep me away forever, but I found just the opposite. I found my perfect match, who brought me back home to Traverse City.