My damask wedding programs were a hit on my wedding day. The stationary coordinated with my damask wedding menus and displayed the same wedding logo as my invitations, seating chart, and signs at the photo booth. I love how everything looked great together, but nothing was too matchy matchy. Kevin and I had a traditional Catholic mass in a gorgeous stone chapel, so we laid out our programs to help guests through the wedding ceremony.

Seating of the Mothers
Procession of the Bridesmaids
Entrance Rite
Liturgy of the Word
Old Testament Reading
Responsorial Psalm
New Testament Reading
Gospel Acclamation
Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage Vows
Blessing of the Rings
Lighting of the Unity Candle
Prayer of the Faithful
Presentation of Gifts
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Eucharistic Prayer
Nuptial Blessing
Sign of the Peace
Blessed Virgin Mary Dedication
Final Blessing

Parents of the Bride
Parents of the Groom
Maid of Honor, Relation to Bride
Bridesmaid, Relation to Bride
Best Man, Relation to Groom
Groomsmen, Relation to Groom
Flower Girl, Relation to Bride/Groom
Ring Bearer, Relation to Bride/Groom
Officiate / Priest

Thank you note
Story of us
Special prayer or dedication to deceased relatives
About the bridal party
If you are having a ceremony with guests unfamiliar with the religious mass, it would be nice to include the responses and cues when to stand/kneel/sit. There are so many options to personalize your wedding programs and make them special. Kevin and I had an extra section where we thanked our parents and guests, and listed the grandparents who could not be with us. What are you using for your wedding program? Are you having a full religious service or will you be doing something modern and unique? I'd love to hear from you.

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